The play deals with people’s understanding of political parties in government. It also shows that the dialogue on development is confined to the global corporate and the government. People have no place, even though the there is a decentralized administrative structure in which people in the villages elect the local government. Democracy makes no sense in the absence of political will. Jana Sanskriti has performed forum on this play for more than hundred times. Lots of interesting questions came up in the Forum session, for example- a) Does development mean setting up a car factory in the village? b) Farming even gives work to our women, will they find any place in your development model? c) We are farmers, we want to cultivate our land and want to live with dignity. Why do we have to clean officers’ cars? Why must our women serve as house-maids to the engineer’s household? Where is our dignity in your development model? d) What will happen to the agricultural worker who works ten months a year on the land? e) Why not set up labour-intensive industries with the product and material available in the villages? f) Why should we not try to be independent with regard to food requirements? What about reopening factories which have been closed? What about using land available near the city?

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