This is the story of a young woman, Sarama, who lives in an urban slum and is in love with Adhir. In her own little world, she is happy and content, dreaming about her future with Adhir. This world is shattered one night when some hoodlums (working under the protection of a political party) drag her out of her small hut and rape her. This incident opens Sarama’s eyes to a new world, where even her very own people begin to look upon her as a fallen woman. Adhir rejects her. But the tragedies in her personal life are overtaken by the way in which different sections of society react to her experience. There is horror in the eyes of the common people – who begin to fear for their own safety. The print media sensationalises the incident. Leaders of political parties, in their obscene hunger for power, decide to use the incident for their own mileage. With elections coming up, there is frantic negotiation and bargaining going in within political parties (between the leader and the lumpen cadre), between political parties and with the police about how to project this incident, who to blame, exactly how much sympathy to give to the girl, and so on. The Women’s Commission sets up an inquiry. The women’s wing of the political party in power is instructed to express concern, but in such a way that the image of the party is untarnished. This play lays bare the hypocrisies and double standards of people in power, of state-run institutions and society in general. We see evidence of the moral bankruptcy of the institutions in our society in every scene of the play. Amidst this utterly demoralizing and depressing scenario, we see Sarama come to terms with her tragedy. With the help of a sympathetic women’s group, she gets the moral and financial support to give birth to the child as a consequence of the rape. Sarama turns her back on all the criticism and hatred that society has in store for her, holds her head high and goes on with her life. Sarama, is a Jana Sanskriti play in every way – there are very few props, the bodies of the actors and actresses play the role of the props in many cases. There is tremendous teamwork and the agility of the actors and actresses add an extra touch of beauty to the play. The sensitive use of music helps the narrative to go ahead smoothly.

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